How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 665

- Gaiden episode 32

Gaiden episode 32

Gaiden chapter 6. A city where humans and

dragons reside.

city of draenei.

It is the home of dragons living in the present era. their sanctuary.

Destroyed once, but who are they?

They re-established their base in just a few months and proudly commanded a world where humans were in full swing.

they are there Called.

“Whoa… … Is it going smoothly?”

The current leader of the dragons. Nerel leans back in her chair and presses her eyes, feeling the weight of fatigue for a moment.

Dragons are tired too.

mental labor. In particular, when it comes to a big job like running a city, it feels pretty daunting, just like humans.

In that regard, I like the fact that this chair I recently acquired is firm yet soft.

Even sitting in a human form doesn't hurt that much.

‘Humans make pretty good things too… …

The regret is that there is no furniture that fits their original size, but it can't be helped.

It was too much to even think of making something to support their huge body with the small arms of humans and dwarves.

“What more… … Doesn’t it make sense to have to work with a body like this anyway?”

She looked down at her human hand and sighed.

The most pleasant thing for them is, of course, only when they are walking around with the huge body of a dragon.

However, when doing paperwork or other chores, you have to be in human form, even if you don't like it.

It doesn't matter if they work for themselves, but several countries outside the city.

In order to interact with other races, including humans, it is necessary to check the documents they conveyed.

Of course, all the documents they give are small for their size.

To see it or write a signature, you must eventually take on a human form.

It's inconvenient, but I'll concede, so to speak.

As a result, the basic living area was all built to the size of a dragon, but it was a city.

The department in charge of administrative work and this office were made to fit the size of a human, and an ironic corner was born.

‘… … What I need is not my furniture. He's a guy to pamper.'

On top of that, Nerel's biggest worry recently is that she can't find a guy she can pamper.

Most guys aren't very patient. Somehow he is good at moving his body or smashing something, but he is not as good at paperwork.

I can do it, but I can't stand still.

‘Even if only that stupid Delnef came back, I wouldn't have gone through this hardship.'

Thinking of my absent-minded brother, I reflexively broke my pen.

yes, his brother.

left home hundreds of years ago. After being beaten by humans, he went into hiding, and recently he is beaten by humans again and eaten by humans in the city.

The important thing is that Gonom recently uses it as an excuse not to return to his hometown.

‘Do I have to forcefully drag her in?'

However, if I try to forcefully bring him back, he will escape again soon after.

It is better to come back on your own if possible.

I'll treat you very badly then. I'll pamper you until the scales fall off sparsely.

She made up her mind, thinking of the day when her brother would return.

That was when

One of the dragons helping out with the chores quietly flew in and told her what to do.


“What. busy. I still have a lot of things to do these days. If it's useless, tell me later.”

“no… … It's not... …

It seems to be something else.

“A guest has arrived.”

“customer? iced coffee'… … It did.”

then it came to mind Come to think of it, it was today that I arrived.

“Let them in.”

She went out in person to greet the guests.

They were there when we headed to the drawing room.

The first thing that caught my eye was her ugly little brother Delnef.

He didn't say anything, but she didn't speak first either. What we have to deal with now is not that guy, but someone else.

And a woman with azure hair sitting in another chair. And besides her, there are other humans who seem to follow her... … .

They are Kania and her subordinates.

“Welcome here. Was it Kania Ernesia?”

“It is an honor to see you again. Nerell.”

Kania immediately bowed politely.

“This is Kania Ernesia, who came as an envoy. We will be cooperating with Nerell's schedule in the future, so please take good care of us.”

“I’m expecting cancer.”

For now, as befits the current leader of the dragons, Nerel nodded solemnly and explained the purpose of summoning them this time.

“Please teach me well so that humans can integrate into this city.”

one purpose.

To make the dragon accept human existence.

that was a while ago.

I was talking to Arele Ernesia about an issue I needed to discuss through the communication port.

“I heard the story. It looks like you're building a new manor?”

[how… … Why is that bastard's rumor going around so fast? No, more than that, why are humans so interested in rumors about dragons?]

“No, that's not true. It’s just information gathering.”

In addition, it doesn't matter if he builds a city or a tower, as long as he doesn't threaten their safety.

“There is something I would like to talk to you about… …

[consulting? It's a big deal.]

It's really a big deal, but I have no choice but to discuss this now with him. Because there is no other suitable person.

“I’m thinking of bringing in humans soon.”

[…] … .]

Arel is silent for a moment. Perhaps she is thinking of the true meaning of what she is saying.

[customer? Or citizen? Which one?]

“Either way.”

The guest has always been an envoy who comes from time to time. However, those who stay only for a short time and go.

And of course, there are no citizens living here other than dragons.

“Aren’t there people or races of other countries who are not your people living in your territory?”

[what… … Even though your pathetic little brother is here.]

“… … Come to think of it, can you just convince me a little bit about him?”

[no. Don't drag your siblings into business. And I won’t allow you to come here and fight a nuisance.]

“Kuh… … what happened Now he doesn't care. After all, you accept such a variety of guys.”

Recently, while interacting with humans, their countries. And I observed management methods. In addition, I am receiving information from my own people living in various places.

“I think that for efficient exchanges, we should accept people from other countries like you.”

[In short, it will allow me to obtain citizenship… … uh? Wait a minute.]

For some reason, Arell grunts seriously and begins to ponder.

[Isn't that a problem that's not a joke? Do you know?]

“I don’t know.”

It's one thing for humans to bring humans or other races in, and it's one thing to bring humans into their cities.

There are so many hurdles to overcome.

[Pointing out the most fundamental problem.]

“… … tell me.”

[How much do you think the difference in size between humans and you is?]


[…] … No seriously don't be shocked. You dark lizard.]

It was called a pretty insulting name, but now I don't even have the energy to be angry.

“But I think it is necessary.”

[It sounds like you're acting strangely... … Well, I understand the purpose.]

For example, Kelly, a country of different races, is now completely open and has a great perception towards humans.

But even now, people fear when dragons appear.

At least a learned person can have a conversation, but an ordinary citizen can just prostrate himself.

[Please make sure not to eat it right in front of me? Have you ever said that? Hehehehe!]

“… … this one is serious Above all, we do not eat humans.”

[I know.]

“Because it tastes awful.”

[…] … Don't go anywhere and say that.]

“We still don't understand humans. What is not a big deal to us can be a big problem to you.”

That's why I thought it was a problem that couldn't be ignored.

“… … First, let's think about how humans can integrate in this city.”

[Of course, the most important thing is to ask for your impressions of real people.]

“Wait. It's still hasty, though.”

[I really don't mean to let go of normal humans.]

“Do you have a good idea?”

[A good idea… … In some cases, accidents don't happen, but dragons seem to get into accidents on the contrary... … .]

Talent is there. But it's worrying.

Arell made a rare, strange noise.

[If it's okay, I can introduce you to a suitable person. How about it?]

“… … If so, thank you.”

[No, rather, this is what I am thankful for. Even so, that older sister... … Maybe it's because he's free, so he keeps crashing.]

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

[You don't have to worry about it. I'll send it as an official document sooner or later.]


She agreed so vaguely.

And as time passed, it came to the conclusion that Caniaernesia packed up and visited the city of dragons to demonstrate the friendship policy.

And as their guide, Delneph, who is at least in a position to understand humans, was well persuaded and attached.

Kania and her knights arrived.

First of all, I decided to introduce a place to stay for those who are not familiar with this place.

“… … Doesn't it look like you're living in the same place as the dragons?”

In response to Kania's question, Nerel shook her head, saying it wasn't easy.

“Realistically, there is no way. Our bodies are gigantic, as Kania-nim knows.”

And the dragons living here, like her now, live in their original form unless there is a specific reason.

For example, the sight of the city beneath the back of the Dragon Handmaid carrying Kania and the human envoys would be quite an astonishing sight for her to see.

“… … It's huge. and… … Everyone is living in the form of a dragon.”

“That look is the most comfortable for us. As for humans... …

If you look like this, you could say that it is similar to living with armor covered from head to toe.”

“That's because your sister's humanizing knack is bad. Contrary to that dirty personality, if you lose your strength, you can transform without difficulty... … Whoops!”


Delneph, who was about to say something nonsensical, was hit by a blow from Nerell that only released his tail for a moment, and fell down.

Okay. you know you'll come back

Everyone seemed to think so, neither Kania nor her knights cared about that young man.

Instead, Kania just smiled gracefully.

“Armor… … That must be difficult.”

“Come to think of it, I heard that he also serves as a knight.”

“It's about knowing how to handle a little sword.”

“Hmm… … Well, in a world like this, it might not be bad to have a military force even if you have a high status.”

Basically, their instinctive logic follows the rule of thumb.

Therefore, they have no doubts about Kania's title as a knight.

“however… …

“Why is that?”

“No, it's nothing. When I heard a little introduction, I thought he was a more exciting person... …

“Whoop whoop. A lot of people misunderstand that. I don't know if you're carrying a sword, but there's no reason to act tough when you're not.”

” indeed??????

Nerell easily understands and moves on.

And Kania responds with an elegant smile.

… … and.

… … The knights were watching as if they were anxious about something.

They flew to the center of the city, giving off a strangely out of tune atmosphere inside. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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