How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 23

Chapter 23. Princess' swordsmanship training (3) Kania's sister's training continued without any problems until the last day.

Now she is fighting the last remaining monster.

The monster that decorates the final day of knight training is an orc.

The first and last days are finished with orcs.

However, it is different from the first day.


The orc roared wildly and mercilessly brandished the wooden club in his right hand.

Unlike the orcs you dealt with on the first day, your strength is overflowing.

It was because the magicians only lured it and did not use any other magic.

The last training is to defeat an orc in full condition without any debuffs in a one-on-one fight.


Kania-sister lightly ducked to avoid the wooden club that the orc wielded.

At close intervals, a wooden club brushed over her head.

It wasn't that I barely avoided it, but I partly avoided it with a minimum distance.

When the club missed, the orc swung his left arm and punched it as if he was impatient.

Kania-sister glanced lightly at it and then cut off her left arm.


The orc screams in pain.

The orc who had lost his left arm struggled in pain and took a backward step.

And she doesn't miss it.

The sword pierced the orc's chest.

It was pierced deep enough to pierce the heart.


Raise it up vigorously as it is and cut it down.

The fountain gushed out and the orc stopped breathing.

“You are wonderful. princess. Orcs are no match for the princess anymore.”

The lady-in-waiting who was watching praised him frankly and handed him a towel to wipe away the blood.

“....not a big deal.”

Kania-sister caught her breath, took a towel, and wiped the blood off her face.

Unlike the first day, I wasn't excited.

It means that even though they are monsters, they have become somewhat accustomed to cutting down living beings.

“I'd better go back now.”

The article said so while checking where the sun was rising.

It's time to withdraw.

Now is the time to get organized for full-scale withdrawal and return to the long-awaited palace.

Packing up at camp, I sighed in relief.

“I’m glad it ended without incident.”

The knights also seemed to agree with my muttering with a light smile, probably thinking the same thing.

“sister! Let's go back now!”

“Ugh!” After

completely wiping off the blood on her face, Kania noona runs towards me.

“I'll be tired, so I'll drive the horse.”

They rode separate horses to come, but ride the same horse to return.

She also obediently got on my horse.

We'll be tired, so this time we rode the horses slowly and climbed the way back.

As it is, head to the base built in the nearby city and ride the carriage back.

I'm glad I didn't have any problems until the last day.

It was when I thought so.

“???? huh?”

I inadvertently stopped talking and looked up at the sky.

When I stopped, the soldiers escorting us stopped marching as well.

“Arel? what's the matter?”

Kania noona was puzzled by my sudden action.

“....Shh. for a moment.”

I squinted my eyes and continued to look up at the sky.

It's not what it actually looks like.

Just hear and feel.


I gestured to the nearest knight to come this way.

“Are there any wyverns among the monsters living here?”

“yes? Are you talking about the wyvern? There is no wyvern nest here because the lord here hunts regularly...


I clicked my tongue.

I managed to hold back the swear words.

I don't know what kind of son the lord is, who assured me that this place is safe, but be prepared sooner or later. huh?

“sister. Hold on tight to my waist.”

“???? huh?”

As I was told to blankly, I wrapped my arms tightly around my waist.

Right now, I don't have time to express my feelings.

“All run!”

He pulled the reins and shouted.

At the same time, my horse started to run with all its might.

“Wyvern is coming!”

When I shouted, there were about 10 wyverns flying towards me from the sky, enough to be discerned with the naked eye.

The knights' complexions turned pale at the same time.

Then, without speaking any more to each other, they kicked their horses at the same time and started galloping, maintaining their ranks to escort us.

Ten pterosaurs that were 12 meters wide when their wings were fully spread.

Its majesty was enough to put the knights at a loss.

“Why is there a wyvern here?!”

There is no nest here!

Have you ever gone on an expedition to a distant place because you couldn't find food?

Anyway, it was clear that their target was us.

The horse carrying me and Kania noona seemed to sense a crisis and ran desperately without any further urging.

However, it is not difficult to get rid of creatures running through the sky.

At some point, the distance with the Wyvern came quite close.

The first victims were the soldiers.

Since he did not ride a horse, he had no choice but to run on two legs. It was almost impossible to escape from the wyvern.


A deafening scream was heard and the Wyverns opened their mouths.

A breath of green light emanates from within.

“Acid Breath!?”

I don't know who shouted.

Breath with strong poison hit the soldiers, and the soldiers who were swept away by the breath screamed in pain.

“???? Do not look back!”

I shout to stop Kania who was trying to look back.

Even without seeing it, we could clearly sense what was going on behind us just by the sound of screams and signs.

What will be the end of the soldiers caught in that poisonous breath...

Fortunately, the magicians defended this side with magic, so they did not get hit directly by the aftermath of the poisonous air.

But the damage was devastating.

At once, nearly half of the troops perished due to being swept away by the acid breath emitted by Wyvern.

“....what?! Aren’t you hunting because you need food?”

No matter how you think about it, the behavior of the wyvern is strange.

As far as I know, acid breath can only be used three times a day.

There's no way to even use it for the target you're aiming for as food.

No matter how you look at it, that pterosaur's actions right now can only be regarded as excessive slaughter.

It is unnatural to carry out more than necessary slaughter for no reason.

But I cannot now consider it at leisure.

First of all, you have to run away.

The wizards blew magic to buy time.


“Lightning bolt!”

Bullets of fire and lightning flew incessantly, but the wyverns were not seriously injured.

Did I mention that there is resistance to magic below class 4?

My butt hurts.

The distance is getting shorter and shorter. The mana of the wizards in check was also running low.

As soon as the barrage was breached, the Wyvern descended and began brutally slaughtering wizards and knights with its claws.

....What is the point of completely escaping at this rate?

I calmly judged the current situation, passing through the screams I heard from behind.

You can't deal with Wyverns with your current troops.

....And behind my back, I felt the touch of Kanianuna holding me tight.

“…I can’t.”

I slipped my hand behind me at an angle that Kania-nee couldn't see.

Then he concentrated mana on his fingertips and fired.

Tanji Gong.

Invisible Kitan by concentrating his energy on the tips of his fingers.

In other words, it is a martial art that shoots bullets of mana.

The bullets are also small and invisible, so it is suitable for use instead of memorization.

However, since it is usually only a check, it has no meaning in this situation.

The power is different if the owner of the inner ball like me shoots it.

A bullet hit the Wyvern's head and Pang! It burst out.

“good job!”

I deliberately praised the wizard out loud because the wyvern had suddenly collapsed.

I'm sorry, but I'll have to count you knocking me down.

Because what I defeated is a secret.

When a colleague suddenly dies, the wyvern hesitates as if it is embarrassed.


And taking advantage of that gap, Kania's sister's escort maid pulled out a spear and threw it.

A spear soaked in blue mana pierced the Wyvern's neck.

“You have to run away at this moment!”

I've thought about it before, but that lady-in-waiting is no joke...

The amount of pure Aura is almost at the end of the Aura Prevention class.

Hopefully you can escape.

Let's secretly reduce the number of wyverns and make a gap to escape.

It was about as if I had made that decision and blew off two more heads in a row.

“It holds up quite well.”

Who is it? The voice just now does not belong to our knights.

The owner of the voice that seemed to have been heard in the air immediately appeared.

A wizard wearing a black robe appeared teleporting in front of us.

“What are you?????”

“Suspicious fellow! What are you doing!”

Before I could ask, one of the knights pointed a sword and shouted.

The wizard wearing a black robe snorted and pointed at the wand with a bad taste design.

“...Lightning Cannon.”

A blue column of lightning erupted and burned the attacking knight in an instant.

However, he does not pay attention to the knight he killed and only glares at the body of the wyvern.

“hmm. Wyverns are useless. then.”

The wizard tapped the tip of his wand on the floor and chanted an incantation.

An unpleasant, dirty feeling of black mana spreads around him and clings to the corpses of the wyverns and soldiers I killed.

“Stand up again! Dead people! You're still down, but it's too early!”

What are you doing?

I could immediately realize what he had done.

A groan groaning in pain was heard and the corpses began to rise one by one



Is that magic that turns a corpse into an undead?

“With this, I won’t be able to run away any longer.”

The magician in the black robe glared at us with a cheeky smile, probably drunk with self-satisfaction.

“The target is the princess. kill.”

Even direct target designation.


Was he the one who had been targeting Kania-nee from the beginning?

“…What are you doing? You're targeting me...

As if waiting for that question, the wizard pointed this way with his staff.

Where are you pointing your finger?

“The second princess! I'm going to kill you and teach you the power of this dark cult to the arrogant royal family! okay! It's this body!

A warlock....

The warlock, who was about to introduce himself exaggeratedly in a narcissistic way, suddenly exploded his head.

And in succession, two large holes were pierced through the body.

In an instant, the headless body collapsed on its side.

All of the nervous knights and escort maids, as well as Kania's older sister, were all staring blankly at the sight.

“???? what?”

“Couldn’t he have died as a side effect of forcibly using more magic than he could handle?”

I got around moderately.

I don't understand, but is that so?

It was an atmosphere of understanding.

They didn't see it anyway, so there's no way they'd notice.

The moment he died, my fingertips were pointing at that warlock bastard.

I glared at the corpse with indifferent eyes.

there is bound to be

An idiot who makes a lot of noise in front of the enemy as if he is ready to sing the 4th verse of the national anthem.

Have you ever introduced yourself in front of an enemy and fell asleep?

Seeing as if he was a kid who didn't even use protection magic, I shot him with a bullet.

I would have been really defenseless.

If I had known it would be like this, I should have killed it as soon as it appeared.

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