Grim Reaper in the Apocalypse: Reaping Immortals

Chapter 146: Forget me

He was probably not the first person they harassed. He wouldn't be killing them, no. He'd only be lessening the sufferings in the world and the City.

The only reason why he didn't kill them right now was because he knew that it could backfire on him.

"You want to tell me why you targeted me," Atlan commanded.

And just like that, the guy spilled the whole truth. Someone named Otis Orioness commanded them to teach him a lesson.

Orioness. Obek is also from the Orioness family…are they related? Probably…they want revenge for his death.

It was no secret that Atlan and Obek clashed heads during the race. Not only that, Atlan was the very reason why Obek was overwhelmed by the horde of Pseudo Canzers. If Atlan hadn't shot off the blinders in Obek's mount, he could have escaped with his mount.

Otis targeted him for that.

If Atlan killed his three lackeys, he would reveal that he had the power to kill three 5th stage Students simultaneously. The guy would be more careful and send out stronger opponents.

But by changing their memories, he could make them think they forgot to attack him. He could convince them their ambush was a failure because of an unexpected witness.

"You didn't meet me today. You didn't fight me. You didn't see me use my powers. You'll forget everything you see or feel about me."

The spores in his brain invaded the firing neurons that related to his memory. His mind deleted the memories he had of Atlan, including the image of him flying with Angel Wings behind his back. He voluntarily forgot the fact that Atlan was a monster who used three different LifeSkills.

His entire interaction with Atlan was flushed down the drain.

Before he could gain consciousness, Atlan activated his Physique LifeSkill and punched him in the chin, knocking him out completely.

Atlan's Angel Wings unfolded behind him. He closed his eyes and recalled the feeling when he created the portal to the Remedium.

Slowly, the pure white feathers in his wings started to glimmer with twinkling stars. But after a few seconds, it slowly faded back into his wings.

It took Atlan a few tries before he was able to consistently keep the feeling solid in his wings. He commanded his Angel Wings to flap.

He flailed his Angel Wings harder and harder, with fury.

And finally, the black and white particles suddenly pierced outwards and created a hole in the middle of the air.

Atlan saw the familiar black shimmering portal that led back to the real world. The only difference between his portal and a man-made construct from the Operators was that theirs was made out of a perfect circle while Atlan's portal was uneven and shaky.

He didn't care. As long as he could travel between the Remedium and the real world, then he was satisfied.

He threw the unconscious body of the lackey into the portal and followed behind it.

As soon as he stepped foot in the portal, the smell of the earth and freshly cut grass his senses.

He heaved a sigh of relief. He was back.

This was enough evidence for him to be confident with his Angel Wings' new power.

"You! Where did you guys go?! And what happened to him?"

The only one left still conscious was the lackey trapped in his Spiked Chitin Spray. He struggled under a pool of his blood as the thorns cut his skin mercilessly.

Atlan went forward and gathered the three of them into one place.

"What..what are you going to do? Are you going to bleed us of our SoulTime?!"

Atlan kept silent and looked down on them with a calm demeanor.

"Don't you know who we work for? If he finds out that you hurt us, he'll give you a beating you can't ever forget!

And don't think you're gonna get away with this! The whole City will soon know about your secrets! You're conspiring with the Canzers! They must have given you all those powers."

But Atlan didn't utter a single word. Instead, he waited for the other guy to wake up.

"Cera! It's good you're awake."

"What…what's happening?"

"Come on! We have to get out."


"What do you mean?! It's that porter! He's a monster!"

Cera looked up at Atlan, but his face was foreign to him as if he had never met Atlan before.

"What…am I doing here? I was just at home…"

It was only then that the last surviving lackey realized that there was something wrong going on.

"What happened?!"

"I made him forget," answered Atlan. "I relieved him of the suffering he felt when he saw my true powers. I freed him."

Cera acted like a zombie. He didn't know where he was and he didn't know what happened. It was as if he'd been in a coma that erased his entire memory of today!

Atlan slowly lowered himself towards the three lackeys.

The man tried even harder to struggle away from the thorned black webs, but it was futile.

No matter how much he tried, he wouldn't be able to escape the fate that Cera suffered.

"No! Please!"

But Atlan didn't care. He raised his hand and gathered spores in the air.

And with one flick of the hand, the three of them were enveloped in a cloud of spores that quickly invaded their bodies and infected their brains.

Their eyes turned cloudy.

"You fought against each other because of a disagreement. You didn't find me. You never saw me. You never went into the garden."


After a few hours, the three lackeys found themselves tied up in a dark basement with no windows.

Ahead of them was a blonde-haired man sitting in a chair.

"Tell me what happened," Otis commanded.

Cera slowly came to and the false memories flowed in his mind. His imagination made up a vivid memory of him beating up the other lackeys until they were all knocked out.

"We…we fought…"

"I won…against him. I destroyed his armor."

"I tried to run away from them…but they caught me…"


Otis threw down the glass of wine in his hands.

"Useless bastards. I'll have to do this myself. This time, I'll make sure he meets a gruesome fate in the Remedium the way my little brother suffered!"

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