Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton

Chapter 266 - 179: I Will Fulfill the Divine Parable_1

Chapter 266: Chapter 179: I Will Fulfill the Divine Parable_1

Translator: 549690339

The Earth Hammer has a magic spirit? I’ve never heard of that. Anthony, after being taken aback for a moment, quickly realized this was a breakthrough point. He had been troubled by not knowing the origin of the hammer. He never expected it to actually have a magic spirit. Why not just ask the spirit directly?

“So, it is called the Hammer of Ethereality. What is the Hammer of Ethereality?” Anthony asked.

“Why should I tell you? Keep your distance, don’t lean in so close, your breath is blowing on me.” The Earth Hammer responded impatiently.

Negris turned his head and called out: “Ah.”

The Little Angel quickly ran over.

“The Hammer of Ethereality signifies the echo of a soul in emptiness. It’s a hammer capable of touching souls.” The Earth Hammer immediately responded quickly.

“What use is that?” Anthony inquired.

Under the watchful eye of the Little Angel, the Earth Hammer was extremely cooperative: “It can touch the echo of a soul, summoning corpses from the ground.”

“King’s Arrival? Any Golden Skeleton could technically do that, so was it really necessary to seal it?” Negris questioned, baffled.

“You can’t quite put it like that. The fact that a Golden Skeleton can do something, and that a hammer can do the same, are not the same concept. Because anyone can use a hammer. Can you imagine that in the heat of battle between two armies, half of one side dies, and you kill one-third of your own men. You’re at an advantage and about to win when suddenly the corpses on the ground rise up and become your enemy? I suddenly understand why the Black Mountain Duke was undefeatable.”

“But, would the Church of Light allow such a person to live?” Negris wondered.

“Perhaps they simply couldn’t beat him. This Black Mountain Duke himself has the power of a high-level Sword Saint. Under his command, there are two Arcane Magicians, a Truth Sword Saint, six high-level Sword Saints, an elite cavalry, and he has received the support of most of the countries against the church. The fact that the Church of Light hasn’t been destroyed is already quite remarkable.” Anthony explained.

“So, sealing the hammer is like a ceasefire agreement signed between the two parties?” Negris guessed.

“That’s likely, I guess. Let’s ask, spirit, do you represent a ceasefire agreement?”

“Are you stupid? I’m just a seal. How am I supposed to know what I symbolize? Do you know what you symbolize? You symbolize a fool.”

Anthony was stunned into silence by the insult. He dazedly asked, “Is this magic spirit related to your lightning spirit?”

Negris suppressed a laugh: “No, it’s easier to handle than Lightning, it doesn’t have legs. Little Angel, it’s up to you. Take it and level the land. The land on the Lake Island is too shallow with too many stones. It’s perfect to use it for tilling.”

Originally, Lake Island was just a stony mountain. The shallow surface soil layer is almost all formed by weathering or the sedimentation of dust, with a vast amount of stones interspersed. If used to till the land, the Earth Hammer could likely increase the cultivable area by five or six times.

The Little Angel excitedly ran off carrying the hammer, followed closely by Ange and the little zombie also ran off.

Only the two sly old-timers remained, exchanging glances.

“Forget it. I have copied the seal and the Undead Chapter, and will research them slowly when I get back. If you discover anything, please let me know, You are, after all, the God of Knowledge.” unable to keep still, Anthony took his leave.

Twenty days later, thousands of acres of farmland on Lake Island, leveled with the Earth Hammer, were all planted with magic rice by Ange. Around the same time, the second sprout emerged from the Elf Beans.

“Ange, we have a problem! The second sprout on the Elf Bean is missing… wait, did you cut it off?” Negris rushed over to report, but then saw Ange holding a small sprout and carefully moving it towards the World Tree.

The bark of the World Tree was stripped and turned green. The sprout was also trimmed, clinging closely to the inner bark, then irrigated with holy water, and covered with clean soil which had been purified by the holy light.

“You’re… grafting?”

Ange nodded in affirmation.

“Why did you think of grafting? You haven’t even finished growing your Elf Beans yet.”

“Too slow.” Ange scornfully replied. It took twenty days just to sprout the second sprout point. God knows how many years it would take to grow beans.

“Uh, it takes sixty years. Thirty to flower, thirty to bear fruit, and then it withers. The productive period is only twenty years, with about five hundred beans produced annually.”

Thus, a single Elf Bean plant produces about ten thousand beans over its lifetime. It sounds like a lot, but in reality, if each person ate one bean a day, ten thousand beans would only feed ten thousand people for a single day.

Furthermore, this requires sixty years of soil and fertility.

Elf beans require a lot of nutrition, normal land is insufficient for their growth, and their roots spread quite wide. Anywhere within a few hundred square meters radius couldn’t sustain other plants once an Elf Bean was planted.

Therefore, while Elf Beans are a crop with strategic value, Elves could not grow them everywhere. They could only grow a little as strategic reserves.

Now, Ange surprisingly attempted to graft the Elf Bean onto the World Tree? Just because he thought it grew too slowly?

Indeed, if the rate of growth could be similar to that of the World Tree, without any depletion of soil nutrition, then Elf Beans could definitely become the staple food of the entire world. But if it was possible, why hadn’t the Elves done it already?

“Oh, I forgot, Elves only have one World Tree, a treasure they protect dearly. How could they possibly do such grafting experiments? Only you, with all your World Trees, can afford to mess around.” Negris thought of a key point and couldn’t help but get excited.

However, this was clearly not an easy task. The first sprout grafted on quickly wilted and blackened. In-between, Ange continuously dropped life essence, sacred essence, insect ash, and even essence bug ash liquid, but they couldn’t save the sprout.

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