Eternal Villain: I can enslave Reality!

Chapter 90 90: Hope

Xu Shan used the thousand mile teleportation talisman, disappearing from the commanding ship.

His long cloak fluttered with the wind as he appeared a thousand miles away from the Eternal Dynasty Fleet.

He had also stopped using his Celestial Spirit to hide his aura now. He also stopped his disguise.

Even though no one should see his face, but a Celestial Star Mark was clearly visible in his left eyes for anyone to see if they looked carefully.

He also carried two sharp daggers with him, as he appeared in the center of Estel Kingdom.

It was time for the Third Prince to disappear, and the Reaper of the Battlefield to make his appearance.

The soldiers of the Sky Dynasty were busy fighting with the army that the Estel Kingdom had temporarily formed to resist the invasion.

The Estel Kingdom soldiers had almost started to lose their morale as cities after cities kept falling. Whenever a city fell at the hands of the Sky Dynasty, there was nothing more left than blood, destruction and corpses in the wake.

Now only the Royal City was left, and it was only a matter of time before it was to fall.

The King of Estel Kingdom stood near the window, observing the battle. He was scared for his life, but he didn't run away. It was as if he was prepared to die for his kingdom.

Instead, he glanced at the horses in the distance, on which his daughter and his wife were escaping.

Only two guards were assigned with them, since they didn't want to attract the attention of the Sky Dynasty. Moreover, they were also in disguise, not appearing like a princess or a queen at all.

The Queen's face was full of tears. She had tried everything she could to convince her husband to escape with her. However, he didn't.

The Queen occasionally kept looking back at the castle, feeling broken. The Kingdom was so peaceful. No one could have expected that it was going to fall like that. Even the Princess had a pale face.

However, as the Queen and his daughter escaped the Royal City of Estel which was on the verge of collapse, they noticed something in the distance!

"That is..." The Queen raised her head, frowning.

Even the Princess was taken aback! It took her some time to realize what had happened. In fact, she didn't even believe if she was imagining things or if it was an illusion.

"The Royal Army! The Empire is here!" An excited voice echoed in the surroundings.

It was only when the Captain of the Guards that was accompanying them exclaimed that the two women were convinced it wasn't a dream!

The Royal Army was finally here!

Not only them, but even the King back in the Royal Palace saw the massive fleet in the distance!

His eyes had lost all hope. However, his hopes were once again ignited! His blank eyes regained their shine.

The Soldiers of the Estel Kingdom also started gaining more confidence, roaring proudly! The Empire's reinforcement was here!

While the Estel Kingdom was excited, the Sky Empire's forces weren't scared either.

After they killed the Eastern Emperor, their confidence was at their peak. Moreover, they had other help as well.

The army that attacked the Estel Kingdom was the Third Army of the Sky Empire which divided its invasion forces in three armies.

Even though the Third Army wasn't the strongest, it wasn't weak either. Moreover, it was a special army since it was being commanded by the Third Prince of the Sky Dynasty!

In the last war, the Crown Prince of the Sky Dynasty was killed. After which, the Second Prince became the Crown Prince. This time, the Emperor didn't send the Crown Prince. Instead he sent his Third Son and his Eldest Daughter to this war!

His Third Son was given the command of the Third Army. On the other hand, his Eldest Princess was commanding the Second Army, which was even stronger.

As for the First Army, it was being commanded by the Great General of the Sky Dynasty.

Strangely enough, the most damage that was done to the Eternal Dynasty came from the hands of the Second Army.

"So they finally decided to show up." In a distant Ancient Ship, the Third Prince of the Sky Dynasty stood.

He was already in his early thirties. Even though he wasn't the most talented of the Emperor's sons when it came to Celestial Cultivator, he was still a Peak Sky Celestial already.

The Third Prince of the Sky Dynasty was known as Ming Yan. He had always been a cunning and greedy man at heart, and had devised a plan to capitalize on the chaos to increase his strength and his influence so that he could become the Crown Prince instead of his Elder Brother. This was his opportunity.

"Just like that person said... The Eternal Dynasty came at the right time." The Prince of the Sky Dynasty laughed. "I wonder how surprised they'll be when the people they came to protect turn against them..."

Right outside the Royal Palace of Estel Kingdom, the Queen and the Princess were excited now that the reinforcement was here. However, they still weren't allowed to stop.

The Captain of the Guards who accompanied them was responsible to take them to a safe place, in the nearby kingdom.

To go there, he went through the forest with the queen and the Princess, not even taking official routes, worried that there might be enemies there.

The four horses faced through the forest. The Queen and the Princess had to tightly hold on to the reins, as the horses galloped at full speed. The sound of tree branches breaking under the horses' hoofs echoed through the quiet forest.

Moving at such speed, they didn't expect any traps to already be waiting for them. They missed a thin rope that was rising a few meters above the ground, tied to two trees at other ends.

It was a very precise trap, as if someone knew exactly what route they were going to take.

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