Crazy! Are You Really A Beast Tamer?

Chapter 371: 218: Turns out, my master really does care about me!_1

Chapter 371: 218: Turns out, my master really does care about me!_1

Translator: 549690339

Fang Qin was selected by the Jinghai Army.

Although Fang Qin’s selection had a lot to do with Fang Mu, it was not solely because of Fang Mu.

Even without the relationship with Fang Mu, a disciple of the Grandmaster Creator, Fang Qin would still stand out amongst his peers in the Jinghai Army during the selection process based on his Frost Tone Snow Dragonling and Cangluan Ying Jiao.

The Jinghai Army was selecting disciples for the “Dragon Mother”.

If Fang Qin’s ability did not meet the standard, the Jinghai Army would not dare to forcefully recommend Fang Qin to the “Dragon Mother”, even if it meant gaining Fang Mu’s favor.

The “Dragon Mother” learned about Fang Qin’s abilities and his two Guardian Beasts from the reports of the Jinghai Army, but she did not know the specific skills and exclusive features of his two beasts.

Ever since Luo Su came to know about Fang Qin’s main battle beast, Cangluan Ying Jiao, whose platinum skill was “Jing Canghai” and the exclusive feature “Mountains and Seas” allowed it to draw elemental energy from the mountains and oceans for self-charging through its bloodline…

Luo Su intentionally formed a small action team for Fang Qin and began cultivating him as a key figure in the Jinghai Army.

The information the Jinghai Army provided to the “Dragon Mother” about Fang Qin only included an S-ranking for his Guardian Beasts, without disclosing specific details.

According to the rating standards of the Jinghai Army for Guardian Beasts, an S-ranking is sufficient proof of the beast’s power.

The “Dragon Mother” had always thought that Fang Qin’s dragon beast, like her grandson’s Mo Shang, was primarily offensive and had the ability to fight at a higher rank.

She did not expect that Fang Qin’s dragon beast was primarily functional instead.

The Dragon Rising Federation has no shortage of powerful individual soldiers. What it lacks are talents who can play a strategic role in large-scale campaigns.

The “Dragon Mother” has always focused on individual strength, and over the years, she has come to regret this choice.

Because no matter how skilled she is at the individual combat path, she would still be restricted by equally powerful opponents in large-scale battles.

It is far less effective than those with strategic significance.

Before coming to JA City, the “Dragon Mother” deliberately inquired about Fang Qin’s situation, learning that his previous main battle beast was the Iron Thorn Carp and later he contracted a beast called Frost Language Snow Dragon.

The Cangluan Ying Jiao belonged to the dual elements of water and earth, it was clear that it did not evolve from the Frost Language Snow Dragon.

The Iron Thorn Carp is also a dual-element beast of water and earth, but does the Iron Thorn Carp really have a chance to evolve into Cangluan Ying Jiao?

Even the “Dragon Mother”, with her broad knowledge, couldn’t help but question this in her heart.

The massive dragon wings on Cangluan Ying Jiao’s back indicate that it belongs to the Ying Jiao Chordata Dragon class and will evolve towards the Ying Dragon’s bloodline among the twelve major Dragon Beast bloodlines in the future.

The bloodline difference between the Iron Thorn Carp and Cangluan Ying Jiao is like the difference between heaven and earth.

Normally, if an Iron Thorn Carp could evolve into a Dragon Carp, it would already be saying thank you to heaven and earth.

The “Dragon Mother” is very familiar with the Creator Shuo Yang. In her impression, even Shuo Yang would find it difficult to accomplish this feat.

To forcefully enhance the dragon’s bloodline in the body of the Guardian Beast would consume several complete Dragon Balls, which is clearly not a cost-effective deal.

In a moment, two guesses emerged in the “Dragon Mother’s” mind.

Either the Grandmaster Creator, Qixing, has only shown the tip of the iceberg regarding his true capabilities, and his real ability far exceeds the simplicity of a senior creation zenith master,

Or, Qixing is extremely attached to Fang Mu. Despite the huge expense in energy and resources, he does his utmost to help Fang Mu’s sister upgrade her Beast Master’s strength.

Regardless of which guess is true, it deepens the “Dragon Mother’s” resolve to take Fang Qin as her disciple.

The “Dragon Mother” was not in a hurry to show herself, but continued to watch Fang Qin’s performance from above the building.

As her assessment of Fang Qin was not yet over.

When Fang Qin was studying at Jinghai Tianyu University, he was excellent in almost every survival test.

After joining the Jinghai Army, he always led the charge in order to earn merits and increase income, his combat capability was far superior to that of ordinary people.

The combat experience gained on the battlefield is far more profound and flexible than the experience gained from arena combat.

After unfolding “Jing Canghai” to replenish and enhance the stamina of the Aquatic Sovereign Beasts of other members in his squad,

Fang Qin continued to expand the coverage of “Jing Canghai”, stretching it out in front of the approaching Demon Tide.

Most demons possess fire attributes, and being in a water environment can significantly weaken their combat capabilities.

While amplifying the abilities of his allies, Fang Qin also restricts the enemy within his capabilities, and he almost simultaneously activates his unique feature, “Mountains and Seas”.

As JA City is adjacent to Green Ring Mountain and Jing Tao Sea, and the outer area of Jing Tao Sea is connected to the ocean,

The exclusive feature “Mountains and Seas” can greatly replenish the self-energy consumed by Cangluan Ying Jiao in JA City.

After successfully launching auxiliary supplements for endurance, Cangluan Ying Jiao, under Fang Qin’s command, didn’t idle but consecutively launched the bronze-level skill “Roar of Cang” and the gold-level skill “Cloud Wing”.

“Roar of Cang” stirred up a rapid current in the Sea of ​​”Jing Canghai” without targeting those demons below the heavy artillery class.

Demons below the heavy artillery class pose no threat to the squad and as soon as they cross the red line, they will be immediately killed by the aquatic beasts in the team.

Those beasts above the heavy artillery class, however, would pose a problem for the squad.

After “Roar of Cang” controlled its target, Cangluan Ying Jiao flapped its wings to condense the clouds and exerted the skill “Cloud Wing” to control the beasts above the heavy artillery class for the second time.

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