Crazy! Are You Really A Beast Tamer?

Chapter 338: 206: The Arrival of the Blood Race Prince!_3

Chapter 338: 206: The Arrival of the Blood Race Prince!_3

Translator: 549690339

Fang Mu saw a cruel and mocking expression on the face of the Blood Race Prince.

“You lowly bags of blood hide pretty well!”

“Not a single human under this dimensional rift will leave alive today!”

As he spoke, the Blood Race Prince flicked the blood-colored whip in his hands.

The blood-colored whip rose in the air, once again, smashing fiercely towards the small chapel.

The three palm-sized bats hidden in the blood-colored whip, along with the whip, shot into He Deen’s three guardian beasts.

Right now, this whip with a diameter of several dozen meters was like a several hundred meters long blood red dragon.

Should this blood whip smash into the small chapel, the entire chapel would be reduced to rubble.

Just then, a golden frog leapt over from the direction of the martial arts arena.

It spat out five copper coins, which slammed ruthlessly into the blood whip.

The copper coins slashed the blood whip into six pieces like sharp blades.

However, the moment the blood whip slit, the copper coins also turned into dust.

The five copper coins only managed to halt the smashing blood whip, and couldn’t stop the three fluttering red blood bats.

The blood-coloured bats screeched and flew directly into the bodies of He Deen’s three Guardian Beasts.

In an instant, the blood ran dry in the beasts’ bodies and their corpses hit the ground.

The bodies that had been completely drained of blood fell on the ground, making a sound like a metallic clash.

All three guardian beasts fell dead at the same time, and He Deen’s bulging eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

Tears, snot, and saliva gushed out from his seven orifices.

The spiritual trauma from the loss left He Deen absentmindedly collapsing to the ground.

The youth in the sky, with a cruel look on his face, shook his bloody wings and swung his claw fiercely at the approaching golden frog.

“You have four sequential powerhouses in Jinghai High School for Beast Masters.”

“Purple Que School Palace sure is generous!”

Golden light suddenly shone brightly from the golden frog. Under its feet, a lotus platform made of golden light appeared.

Wild water burst out from the lotus platform, turning into a celestial river in an instant.

Countless gold tadpoles in the celestial river collided with the Blood Race Prince.

“You Evil Heart Sect have truly grown bold, today we, the Dragon Rising Federation, will definitely settle this score with the Evil Heart Sect!”

The Blood Race Prince raised his hands high, spraying countless bat shadows from his wings.

The bat shadows continually collided with the golden tadpoles, and the aftermath of their battle imposed a tremendous pressure on the four teachers including Cui Ruochen.

Cui Ruochen placed He Deen under the electric light shield armor to protect him from the aftermath.

Probably there’s no loss greater to He Deen than the death of his three guardian beasts.

Fang Mu used the skill “Fantasy Shadow” from Eden Dreamland to heal the Guardian Beasts irradiated by Eden Dreamland.

Through the toxins absorbed by the lotus leaf, Fang Mu was able to withstand several lethal injuries.

Hu Tao also summoned her Iron-Winged Sparrow, setting her Destiny Guardian Beast, the Puppet Master, on the Iron-Winged Sparrow.

The wings of the Iron-Winged Sparrow were overlaid with sharp armor. Whenever a demon manipulated fire for a long-range attack,

Hu Tao’s Iron-Winged Sparrow would strike fiercely against the flames.

If it were not for Fang Mu ceaselessly healing the Iron-Winged Sparrow, it would have been roasted long ago.

A Terror Level Horned Demon had been hiding behind a Heavy Cannon Level Giant Horned Demon this whole time.

The Giant Horned Demon stood seven meters tall, its physique was robust.

It concealed the Horned Demon’s four-meter tall figure rather well.

After Cui Ruochen’s Electric Light Shield Armor had turned the Giant Horned Demon into charcoal, a Horned Demon, which was only about ten meters away from Cui Ruochen, Hu Tao and Fang Mu, suddenly charged with its long horns.

In the face of this critical situation, Cui Ruochen had no choice but to let the Electric Shield Armor take the charge.

Cui Ruochen knew that if he didn’t block the attack, the Flint ladybug could flap its wings and take him onto the back of the Electric Light Shield Armor to evade the attack.

However, Fang Mu and Hu Tao would certainly be shattered by the attack.

The strength of the Terror Level Horned Demon was equivalent to a Beast Conqueror at the Platinum Peak. The Demon was not as high-ranking as the Electric Light Shield Armor.

Named for the sharp long horns on its head, a Horned Demon was so formidable that many Diamond Rank Defensive Beast Conquerors had to evade its charges during combat.

The defense capability of the Electric Light Shield Armor was not weak, but it ultimately wasn’t a Defensive Beast.

The horns of the Horned Demon viciously impaled the body of the Electric Light Shield Armor from an oblique angle.

Although the strike didn’t cost the Electric Light Shield Armor its life, the defensive offense on this side was completely defeated.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a Heavy Cannon Level Hammer Horned Demon charged at Fang Mu.

Seeing this, Hu Tao immediately commanded the Iron-winged Sparrow to withstand a fiery attack and block in front of Fang Mu.

Just as the Iron-winged Sparrow folded its wings to defend against the Heavy Cannon Level Hammer Horned Demon,

A Heavy Cannon Level Scythe Demon and two Vanguard Level Blade Demons viciously slashed at Fang Mu.

For reasons unknown, whether it was the instinct of a Defensive Beastmaster or something else, Hu Tao instinctively stepped diagonally and blocked Fang Mu.

Fang Mu had no time to think, he forcefully pulled Hu Tao, who was blocking his front, to his back.

Fang Mu wore a silver double attribute Armored Fish Framework. It would withstand a slash from a Heavy Cannon Level Scythe Demon and two Vanguard Blade Demons without killing him.

But Hu Tao was definitely incapable of enduring it.

Seeing the scenario, Cui Ruochen swiftly instructed the Flint Ladybug to spew fireflies towards the front of Fang Mu.

However, even if he kills this Scythe Demon and the two Blade Demons, the specialized scythe-like arm and blade-like arm about to fall on Fang Mu can’t stop.

Cui Ruochen couldn’t bear to see his most cherished student being slashed into pieces and instinctively wanted to close his eyes.

With three sounds of metal clashing, the Armored Fish Framework blocked these three slashes.

Its recoil ability fiercely repelled the Scythe Demon and the two Blade Demons.

Hu Tao, who had been pulled behind Fang Mu, had fallen heavily on the ground, her eyes swelled up with tears as she watched Fang Mu.

The Blood Race Prince who had been under constant battle with a Golden Frog in the sky was gradually gaining the upper hand.

This Golden Frog must be one of the Guardian Beasts of a sequential powerhouse in the martial arts arena.

It had come to the rescue in fear that the chapel would be destroyed and all the students in it would die.

This Blood Race Prince had given many cuts onto the Golden Frog’s body with its sharp claws.

For some reason, ever since this Blood Prince saw Fang Mu, he felt something faintly attracting him within Fang Mu’s body.

Seeing this scene now, the cruel smile on the Prince’s face became more intense.

Originally flying towards the Golden Frog, its trajectory sharply veered. The Prince was now aiming its sharp claws right at Fang Mu.

Just when Cui Ruochen thought Fang Mu was undoubtedly dead, he saw Fang Mu had surprisingly run towards the Blood Race Prince.

With just a raise of his left hand, it was as if Fang Mu was holding a burdensome bell in his arms.

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