Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 287 Can You Stay With Me?

"Don't call me that," Sarah said, rolling her eyes. "What if the kids hear it? They will definitely ask that."

The twins are in the phase of asking a lot of questions they are curious about, and Sarah would have a hard time answering them if they asked why Michael called her Wifey.

She might be able to explain it, but Michael hadn't told them he was their Daddy. So it would be hard for Sarah to explain without telling them about it.

"So I can call you that if they are not around?" Michael asked as he raised an eyebrow then deliberately turned his head to look at his room. He then staring at Sarah. "Wifey?" he continued smiling broadly.

Sarah snorted then immediately grabbed her spoon and fed Michael.

Michael was a little surprised when Sarah suddenly fed him like that.

"You feed me to shut me up, right?" he asked with a chuckle when he saw Sarah's irritated expression.

"Just eat it," Sarah said irritably then scooped out the porridge again and fed Michael.

As Michael said, she ended up feeding him so he can't listen to his bullshit anymore and making him shut his mouth.

She didn't know why, but Michael became really annoying when he was sick.

There was silence in the room, Sarah fed Michael in silence, and Michael ate in silence. He didn't have time to speak because as soon as his mouth opened, the spoon immediately entered his mouth.

"I'm done," Michael said, turning his head after he finished swallowing the porridge.

"One more scoop," Sarah said, still holding her spoon in the air.

She knew that Michael might not have an appetite because he was sick, but the bowl was still half full, and Michael didn't eat breakfast. So Sarah wanted him to eat the food as much as he could.

"No," Michael said, closing his lips tightly.

"Stop acting like a child and open your d*mn mouth!" Sarah said annoyed and then pressed Michael's lips with the spoon.

While they were still married, Sarah would probably coax Michael and sweet talk to him. However, Michael is now 40 years old! Isn't he too old to act like a kid?

In the end, Michael opened his mouth as Sarah aggressively pushed the spoon away. As the twins say, Sarah is getting really scary!

After Michael had eaten the promised spoonful, Sarah immediately placed the bowl on the table. Actually she wanted Michael to finish his meal, but she didn't want to argue with Michael about it.

Sarah then gave medicine and water to Michael.

"Are you still feeling dizzy?" Sarah asked after placing the glass on the table.

"A little," Michael answered quietly. "But my condition is better. Thank you," Michael replied with a genuine smile.

During these six years, as a human being, Michael had of course been sick. However, at that time no one took care of him. He just lay all day in his bed until finally he was really hungry then he would wake up, and take care of himself.

When he really wasn't feeling well, he would call James and ask him to bring him some food and medicine.

Today, Michael thought that would happen to him. He would sleep all day in this spacious room. It never crossed his mind that Sarah and the Twins would come to visit him.

Sarah clearly defined the second floor as Michael's place, and the woman had never set her foot on this floor at all.

However, she came. Was she worried about him not coming down to eat?

"You should rest. I'll visit you again later," Sarah said then immediately stood up to go downstairs.

Suddenly, Sarah stopped where she was and turned to Michael who was holding her hand.

"Can you stay with me?" Michael asked quietly, looking Sarah right in front of her eyes.

p "Like I said, you should rest," said Sarah who was still standing, but she didn't shake Michael's hand that was holding hers.

"I know. I just want you here until I fall asleep," Michael replied pleadingly.

Sarah sighed when she saw that look. The look Michael had often given her, and the look she still remembered clearly because Raphael had looked at her like that when her son was sick.

"Okay," Sarah replied and sat back down on the edge of the bed.

A smile returned to Michael's face when he saw Sarah sitting down again.

"Could you…"

"Just close your eyes and rest," Sarah cut in quickly before Michael said what he wanted to say.

She could tell that Michael asked her to stay not to be with him but to have a chat with him. However, he is sick and resting is better for Michael.

Michael pouted his lips when he heard Sarah cut him off, he immediately let go of his hand which was still holding Sarah's hand and he rolled over to the side of the bed.

Sarah looked at Michael in confusion. Was the man sulking because she cut him off?

"Here! You can lie down here!" said Michael while patting the side of the bed he used earlier.

Sarah rolled her eyes when she heard that.

"Why should I do that?" Sarah asked confusedly.

Michael really gets weird when he's sick.

"Because I want you to accompany me?" Michael asked back. "Come on, you can lie down here," Michael continued, patting the side of his bed.

Sarah just snorted when she heard the nonsensical words that came out of Michael's lips.

"Are you ashamed?" Michael asked as Sarah was still sitting on the edge of the bed.


"I mean, I'm offering you to lie down because you look uncomfortable having to sit without leaning like that. After all, this isn't the first time you've slept here. So you don't have to be ashamed about that," continued Michael saying what his brain had just been thinking.

It seems that even though he is sick, his brain can still work well.

Sarah snorted when she heard what Michael said. Once she heard it, she knew Michael was just making excuses.

"Okay," Sarah finally said and lay down on the bed. She suddenly wondered what the sick man wanted to do.

As soon as she lay down, Sarah felt strange looking at the ceiling of the room. Nothing had changed even after six years had passed, making her think back to when she had slept here.

"Wifey," Michael called softly.

"What?" asked Sarah, still staring up at the ceiling. "I told you not to call me that!" he continued angrily.

"Can I hug you?" Michael asked.

Sarah's mouth opened in disbelief when she heard that. She then immediately tilted her body towards Michael.

"This is the reason you told me to lie down here, right?" Sarah asked with a snort.

She knew that 'you look uncomfortable having to sit without leaning' was just an excuse Michael had made to make her lie down on the bed and that the man had other intentions.

However, she didn't know what Michael's real intention was.

Who would have thought that the man would ask if he could hug her?!

"Is it that obvious?" Michael asked with a big smile when his eyes met Sarah's.

Sarah nodded, her expression looking annoyed.

Michael chuckled at Sarah's annoyed expression. It was so adorable for him.

"Then can I hug you?" Michael asked once again asking Sarah's permission. "I promise I'll just hug you."

"Unless… you want to ask for more," he continued with a meaningful smile.

Sarah's hand immediately flew to Michael's arm when she heard that.

He's really sick!

Michael chuckled again.

"But I'm serious, can I hug you?" asked Michael again with a serious look on his face.

"Why should I do that?" Sarah asked, rolling her eyes.

She did give Michael a chance, but that didn't mean they had to cuddle in bed. If it's a normal hug, she's fine with that.

But it's on the bed!

"So I can fall asleep?" Michael asked back.

Sarah snorted.

"I mean, we have to be in a comfortable position to be able to fall asleep, right?" said Michael when Sarah was silent.

"So you're saying, your comfortable position for sleeping is by hugging me?" quipped Sarah.

Michael nodded. Sarah really understood him.

Sarah sighed when she heard Michael's nonsensical remark.

"Okay, let's do it. If after this you speak again, I'm really going!" threatened Sarah.

A smile immediately appeared on Michael's face when he heard that, he then pulled his hand up for Sarah to use as a pillow.

Sarah sighed when she saw Michael was already in his position. So this is what he meant to hug her.

'All right, Sarah. Just do it so he can fall asleep right away,' Sarah thought, trying to comfort herself, who actually felt that this was still not right.

Sarah then slowly positioned herself near Michael, then rested her head on Michael's arm.

"Ahh…" Sarah shrieked softly as Michael pulled her in his arms, making her lean against his chest.

Actually… Why are we like this? Where did it start to go wrong?" asked Michael suddenly, confused.

His feelings for Sarah are still the same, as well as Sarah who seems to still love him because she is fine living with him. Not just once, but twice.

If so, why did he and Sarah divorced?

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