Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 296: Swift Wipe-Out Mission 3

Chapter 296: Swift Wipe-Out Mission 3

Chapter 296: Swift Wipe-Out Mission 3

Peak Cosmic Rank Stage!

A cultivation base infinitely close to the Peak of what Humanity could potentially achieve.

It was as if a god has descended among mortals, and immediately Oliver’s face contorted in shock before a mournful shreak blasted out of his mouth.


Mind-bending pressure.

It was so great, he, a middle Cosmic rank stage couldn’t even hope to resist at all, and slowly the pressure was increasing.

Unceremoniously, he dropped to the ground, the ground beneath him sinking in mysteriously and soon.


And immediately his veins began bursting, his tissues being torn apart as his body crumbled piece by piece, even though his opponent simply folded her hands and looked at him emotionlessly.

And then it dawned on him, he would die to the Pressure.


It was an emotion not easily acceptable, not for a person who has suffered so much just to increase his cultivation base to the Middle Cosmic Rank stage and with hopes of reaching the Galaxy Rank Stage.

But now, he would be dying to his opponent at the Peak Cosmic rank stage. It was a deep sense of regret, he blamed the Mutants Organization for putting him here.

Even more was the sense of confusion as he forcefully raised his head to look at her. Her beautiful face, long pink air and beautiful pink eyes.

“So young…”

‘How could she have reached the Peak Meteor Rank Stage at such a young age? Just who Is she?’


He exploded to blood showers and gore that splashed around the entire place, an abyss of 10 meters depth appearing on the ground.

A Middle Cosmic Rank Stage just died like that.

Elderia watched the exchange from a side of the place, and all blood was drained from her face when she saw the lady’s cultivation.

“Peak…Peak Cosmic Rank!!!, Shit! We’re all screwed…”

And immediately she began running towards the distance, moving rapidly through hundreds of corridors towards a particular place.


The sound of one side of the building exploding to pieces echoed loudly through the place, as her heart thumped loudly, and she increased her speed even more.

Arriving at the door of her room, she quickly placed her hand on the red scanner at the side as she was immediately scanned, and the door opened up.

Immediately, she burst through it, appearing before a wall at the side as she tapped on it twice, the place suddenly opening up.

Dipping her hands into the dark space, she brought out the communication device as she rapidly dialed a number.

“Is there a problem, Elderia?” A masculine voice rang out from the other end.

“Yes Sir. We’ve been attacked by the EIA. Their Captain has killed Oliver. She was a pink haired female at the Peak Cosmic rank stage. Now they’re destroying the base. They’ve decided to wipe it out completely…” Elderia replied, another devastating explosion ringing out from close by, as her heart almost leaped out of her chest.

“Hmmmm, I see…” The figure mused loudly.

“Can you open the teleporter for me, Sir? I need to exit this place before they explode this building too…” She almost screamed out in fear but regained herself only to be welcomed by complete silence from the other end of the phone.

“Hello Sir, are you there? Hello, Hello,” She called repeatedly.

“Elderia. It is true that using this communicator, I can open a portal for you back to the Mutant Organization. But if I open the portal, there’s a very high chance it won’t escape the senses of a Peak Cosmic rank stage, and she might immediately lock in on our base, and appear in it a split second later.

If that happens, then we’re all doomed….”

“So…so what happens to me?” Elderia asked, her heart which was already thumping at max level quickly broke through its limit.

“You’ve done an incredibly great act for the Organization, Elderia. Your sacrifices would be remembered…”

And then the call was broken off, leaving only Elderia alone, whose eyes already widened to saucers as the device in her hands slipped downwards.

Lost and abandoned.

Can words describe the pain of betrayal? And her knees suddenly lost all their strength as she fell limply on the ground, as tears poured down from her face and she hugged both her knees to herself.

The last thing that came to her mind was her family. Her beautiful mother, her hardworking father and her younger brother.

“I promised I’ll be returning soon.” She whispered as a gigantic missile blasted downwards from above, the floor beneath her feet already crumbling to pieces.

And Elderia could finally comprehend those words she had once heard before about death.

‘When Death Comes, you don’t regret not having working harder for an extra hour, not having picked that business call, not having tried your best to build your company. The only regret is not having spent enough time with your family…’


— — —

Rihanna stood on the sky as she watched the entire Research Lab reduced to crumbled stone and gory splashes of blood as the entirety of the Organization, living or dead, were completely wiped out.

And immediately she brought out her device as she dialed the number.

“Hello Rihanna, how is it going?” The masculine voice echoed from the other end.

“All done sir. The Mutant Organization Research Lab has been completely wiped out…” She replied emotionlessly,

“Good, good. I know I could count on you, Rihanna. Seemed the years of us deciding for you to go on that Expedition wasn’t a waste at all.” Commander Sigrid elated voice rang in her ears.

“You have to be rewarded for this successful mission. What do you want the EIA to do for you? Tell me, Rihanna…” Commander Sigrid asked.

“I wish to be granted permission to enter the EIA training base…” She said as silence ensued from the other end.

“Done…” And the connection went off.

Rihanna’s emotionless eyes looked at the rubble on the ground before an incredibly beautiful smile appeared on her face.

“It’s been a long time, Moneca. I hope you’re doing okay…” She whispered before entering back into the Spaceship as the entire EIA Spaceship blitzed into the distance.

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