Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6001: Cosmos Mall, Arena

Chapter 6001: Cosmos Mall, Arena

Cosmic Mall vs Arena

A huge light curtain rises from the edge of the central land, straight into the sky, and the edge is invisible to the naked eye.

It feels like a waterfall canopy pouring down from the starry sky, extremely magnificent.

There are a large number of soldiers in armor, each standing in front of the light curtain, holding the banner of the Tianchen Universe Kingdom in their hands.

There seem to be many creatures who want to enter this land.

Although there are many entrances into the city under the light curtain, there is still a long queue of creatures outside.

Based on the rumors he had heard in the past, Su Han could also make a rough guess.

This piece of land is where the imperial city is located, and it is also the real territory of Tianchen Universe Kingdom!

The other lands also belong to the Tianchen Universe, but compared to the central land, they lack a lot of convenience.

For example, the universe quotient, the universe competition field, etc. mentioned by Tianzu Nanshan exist on the central land!

It is rumored.

Eighty percent of the resources of all types of creatures within the jurisdiction of the Universe Kingdom come from the Universe Mall!

Most of the remaining 20% came from royal supplies.

But what made Su Han feel a little confused.

Even though the space battleships had been seen coming, the soldiers outside the light curtain were still in disarray, and they couldn't be described as 'tidy' at all.

Some even sat directly beside them, took off their helmets, and kept shouting and laughing at each other.

In front of them, dozens of round glowing crystals were placed, either in a group of several people, or in a group of more than a dozen people.

Until the space battleship completely reaches the front of the light curtain.

These soldiers hurriedly packed their things, got up in a panic, and lined up to meet them.

"Welcome Your Highness to return!" some soldiers shouted.

"Welcome Your Highness to return..."

The other soldiers followed suit.

But in that tone, demeanor, action, etc., where is there any respectful and excited look?

Almost like not waking up.

What surprised Su Han the most was that.

Huangfu Yaoyue was standing at the bow of the ship, but he turned a blind eye to this group of rabble, and instead had a little smile on his face.

"Captain Qi, how much did you win today?" Huangfu Yaoyue said with a smile.

The one called 'Regimental Commander Qi' was a middle-aged man.

His battle helmet was crooked, and the armor was only worn on the upper body, and the lower body was actually a pair of cloth trousers.

Compared with other soldiers, this is really outstanding, it is obvious.

"Hahaha, so it's His Royal Highness the Third Prince!"

Captain Qi laughed and said: "No wonder I said why I kept losing today. It turned out that His Royal Highness the Third Prince was not in the imperial city and took all my luck away!"


Huangfu Yaoyue glared at him, then waved his palm.

Immediately, there were circular glowing crystals all over the sky, falling from the top of the space battleship.

See this scene.

The soldiers, who were standing irregularly, suddenly fell into looting.

"This is mine, don't you **** **** it!"

"Even dare to grab Lao Tzu's universe coins? Believe it or not, I will break your dog legs!"

"Chief Qi, there are still more, I put them all away!"

"Hahaha, thank you Your Highness for the reward!"


Whether it is the scene that is happening right now, or the voice in the ear.

It made Su Han, Duan Yihan and others fall into a sluggish state!

They simply cannot imagine.

These soldiers guard here, at worst they are also the facade of a cosmic country, how can they be so messy?

However, Huangfu Yaoyue still looked very happy, his eyes were full of jokes, it seemed that he had already gotten used to this kind of thing, and he never tired of it.

Are there any rules?

What about the laws and regulations of the universe?

The space battleship just stagnated in mid-air.

Until a large number of soldiers competed for these round luminous crystals.

Head Qi raised his helmet and said, "His Royal Highness has more than 30,000 cosmic coins this time. Could it be that he is so happy because he has gained a lot from going out this time?"

Su Han was slightly taken aback.

Those round glowing crystals are all universe coins?

Since he entered the universe, no matter what transactions he made, he used the universe card to directly pay the universe currency, and he had never seen the universe currency itself.

Huangfu Yaoyue didn't answer directly.

Instead, he smiled and said, "Is there any shortage of town guards? I'll send you a few later?"

"His Royal Highness wants to send someone over, so even if there is no shortage, there must be a shortage!" Captain Qi said immediately.

Huangfu Yaoyue smiled even wider.

Not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, he glanced at Su Han and the others.

It was this glance that made Su Han and the others frown.

They could clearly feel that the gazes from the soldiers below were all looking towards them!

There seemed to be an answer in their hearts, but Su Han and the others couldn't believe it.

"Let's go!"

Huangfu Yaoyue waved his hand casually, and the space battleship entered the light curtain and quickly moved away.

After passing through the light curtain, another scene appeared on the central land.

There is no edge to be seen here, as if it is not in the universe at all, but on an incomparably vast starry sky.

Huge cities were built all around, countless figures came and went between the cities, and there were even a lot of shouts one after another.

In the distance, six large characters floating in the void came into viewTianchen Universe Mall!

Nanshan Tianzu said.

But all universe malls in the true sense are built in the form of a city.

The entire city is full of shops selling various items!

Although Su Han and the others saw the six characters of "Tianchen Universe Mall", they couldn't see where the city belonging to Universe Mall was at all.

And as the starship battleship moved forward, the place where the 'Tianchen Universe Competition Arena' was located also came into the sight of the four of Su Han.

Looking down from the void.

I saw that it was a ring-shaped venue built from top to bottom, with a height of eighteen floors.

It is widest at the top and narrowest at the bottom.

There are more than 100,000 seats on the open plaza on each floor.

But at this moment ~ these seats are all filled with creatures.

When they roared and cheered loudly, they threw out universe coins one after another, and the ground at the bottom of the arena was covered with a layer of shiny round crystals.

The roar of battle and shouts came from the competition center.

It was an extremely muscular figure with the upper body exposed, and over three meters tall, fighting with a dark white ferocious beast tens of feet long.

It can be clearly seen that the body of the fierce beast is covered with various scars, and blood is continuously flowing out from the wounds.

And that figure also seemed to be out of breath, and the mobilization of his cultivation power was a little slow, and sometimes he would be hit by fierce beasts, and his teeth would tear his flesh and blood into pieces!

This scene is extremely bloody.

But neither Su Han nor Duan Yihan felt cruel.

Bi Arena was originally a place where life was exchanged for money.

Anyone who has experienced killing will not feel unbearable, but will be aroused by the blood!

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