AK - The Alchemy Kingdom

Chapter 121: Constitution II

Chapter 121: Constitution II

In regards to farming, which was very important for their food security, they would need to guarantee a minimum production to sustain them and also discourage excessive production, at least until they could establish trading. So, some incentives would be given to the pioneers who decided to invest in farming, limited to a certain number, of course, and the Council would produce the rest of the food need for their survival.

Now, about the other departments, hunting, crafting, health and Alchemy, the Council wanted to slowly share the demands on these areas with the private business, but the actual dynamic would need to be discussed as they go. In regards to exchange, internal market and trade, the Council proposed a different currency from the usual copper, silver and gold used in the other countries.

Since they declared themselves as the Alchemy Kingdom, they should also set their economy around it, by using energy crystals as the national currency. The actual implementation wouldnt be that simple since they only had two HQ, 60 MQ and 200 LQ crystals, which were currently being used to power most of their tools. However, once they settled next to the energy vein, Karl promised their consumption would be lowered, at least inside the barrier. Also, they already knew the location of a MQ crystal mine and LQ crystals could be collected everywhere through the forest.

A lot of challenges would follow, but the advantage of using a currency with practical value was also compelling. Another point was that elemental crystals could also be used for exchange, at least the LQ crystal that didnt have a strategic value for the Council, but officially they would use energy crystals for commerce, wages and trading.

Just like this, the first Constitution of Alchemy Kingdom was created.


All attention was captured by the girl sitting in the middle of the Council pavilion, nobody could understand how she could stay so calm and unhesitating. Sitting across Anya, finishing the preparations on the Array drawn on a table positioned between them, was Karl, who also didnt look worried.

Wein and Oliver, on the other hand, couldnt help but instinctively take a step back. They have also accepted their Masters condition, but not as fast as Anya did, modifying their soul wasnt something decided recklessly. Although it might appear that she accepted without considering it much, Anya just decided to trust Karl, who wouldnt do something to harm her, instead of pondering endlessly on something she didnt understand.

You already read our Constitution, so you know what youre swearing allegiance to. Now, Im gonna explain how the oath works This Array is called Spiritual Gate, its the most basic yet the most resourceful Spiritual Array. It allows us to manipulate spiritual energy, so were gonna use it to construct something called a spiritual rule, which basically is the oath in form of concepts, represented through spiritual energy. Then, were gonna merge the rule with your soul by using a Soul Rune. The Runes effect is the only dangerous part because it modifies the soul.

Usually, it would be too dangerous to modify the soul. However, well be using only your spiritual energy in the process, reducing the risk considerably. To form the rule, you would have to concentrate on the oath and say the words as the concepts are passed by your spiritual energy. As long as you dont attempt to form a concept that doesnt match your words, theres no risk of damage. Thats why is important to really focus on the oath and dont try to twist the concept, in other words, if you do the oath wholeheartedly nothing will go wrong. So again, are you sure you want to do it?

Anya answered without hesitating.


Karl nodded and instructed her to read the oath a few more times before starting. Then, with her consent, he placed both her hands on the Spiritual Gate and urged her to start. Because she was used to drawing, the spiritual energy easily flowed through her hands, causing the Array to shine. Anya closed her eyes for concentration and started to speak the words out loud. Karl matched her actions and quickly activated the first effect, which would construct the spiritual rule.

I swear to never teach Alchemy without my Masters consent. I swear to never use Alchemy against the Alchemy Kingdom. I swear to never use Alchemy for the benefit of other parties without the Alchemy Kingdoms consent. I swear to require this oath of my disciples.

When she finished, Karl activated the second effect, finally powering the rest of the design. The drawings shined bright before Anyas head also started to shine. Everyone held their breaths until the girl opened her eyes. She felt a little light-headed but the sensation quickly passed. Then, she turned to her Master inquisitively.

Why dont you test it?

Anya knew that if he said more, it might be considered consent, so she should test the oath on her own volition. She walked to Reiner, who was the only Councilor besides Karl she had proximity with and try to explain how Arrays worked. Strangely, she couldnt say the words, she tried to explain other topics related to Alchemy but also couldnt. After she explained, everyone stared shocked at the Array drawn on the table.

Anya, you might discuss Alchemys basic concepts with other AK citizens.

Before others could understand what Karls words meant, Anya was already talking.

Alchemy is a magic system that uses mediums to execute magic tasks One of the pillars of Alchemy is magic resources We can use Arrays to control elemental energy The difference between Arrays and Runes Ah Amazing! So, I cant discuss anything beyond basic with others

Karl nodded and explained:

To avoid problems, the spiritual rules need to be kept short, also theres no need to choose the perfect words nor be too specific. What matters is the comprehension of the rules by the oath maker. Anyas soul prohibits her from passing on the knowledge without my consent and when it's harmful to AK. She cant use Alchemy against AK or to others benefit without AKs consent. Finally, she can only take disciples, which for us is the same as passing our knowledge, after they swear the same oath. With these rules, we can set the specifics later and also limit the power of the Master to only deciding who she should teach. For example, shes free to refuse working or to use Alchemy only for her benefit, as long as she doesnt cross AK interests.

After seeing and confirming the real effects of the oath, Wein and Oliver relaxed, after all, they werent planning to go against their friends or anything. Of course, it was a little offensive to have their words restricted, but they understood the need and knew that nothing came without a cost. Alchemy was powerful and shouldnt be taught without restrictions.

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