AK - The Alchemy Kingdom

Chapter 118: Advanced Hunting II

Chapter 118: Advanced Hunting II

The shadow unit had already moved and Sania was now waiting for the signal to move in too. The raiding group was composed of 25 members, with six hunters of each position (attackers, archers and defenders), four carriers, one healer, one magic operator, and their fighting maniac leader. The operator had already reported the movement of the MT beast towards the opposite direction, but they needed the confirmation of a shadow (popularly used for the other two concealment users) before they moved. The operator also checked for LT beasts and estimated the presence of one medium, two small, and three singular groups of beasts.

To improve their tactics the Hunting Department established some scales for dealing with estimated numbers of beasts. Unfortunately, they couldnt have the precision of numbers, even though the operators were trained to identify the smallest differences in the readings. Every movement in the reader, the number of consecutive movements, the time between each movement, all indicated different things. The complexity of the job, demanded a specialized trained user to operate the tool, which resulted in the appearance of magic operators.

Diana advocated the operators should be trained, at least the ones working on the hunting teams, but they could only afford time for the basic training. In exchange, the teams gain a crucial advantage, the ability to forsee any enemys movement around them. With a group specialized in using the locator and interpreting the readings, some advanced modifications could be made to the tool, like adding an option to reduce the reach but increase the precision of the search.

After tests and training, the best operators could track the movements of all close beasts, being LT or MT, some could even do it while moving. The operators also could maintain better communication with the central, which was now facing problems of simultaneous signals.

The new tracking capacity also needed new ways of classifying the threats, which was solved by the creation of an enemy group scale. Singular groups was used from readings that estimated one to three enemies. Small groups represented estimates for three to eight enemies, medium for eight to twenty, large for twenty to forty, crowd for forty to one hundred, and swarm for a group with more than one hundred enemies.

They didnt have to wait long until a shadow appeared and gave the go signal. The team quickly moved towards the medium group of beasts. Although it would be more dangerous, because of their time constraint, it was better to get a bigger group and live fast.

Samia moved into the tree-less area barely containing her desire for a fight. Soon, the team entered an area filled with small lightning arcs, fortunately, they all used gloves and boots, which would hopefully protect them from the small arcs. A few dead scorched tree trunks still remained in the area, a memory of strong trees that probably resisted the elemental environment longer, the ground was also marked black from the lightning attacks.

One of the attackers hissed when he felt a small shock that came from his sword. Samia passed an order and the two sword users changed their weapons for long stone knives. Before coming, Lew told them about the problem with blades and the lighting environment. For spear users, it wouldnt be a problem but swords and daggers could suffer from it. Since they didnt know if the gloves would be enough, they decided to also bring their old stone weapons, better that than being disarmed. Maybe this problem would later prompt them to change the training methods to teach hunters to use more than one weapon.

After the operators report, the team slowed their pace and prepared for the upcoming engagement. Then, they saw a small cave with a scorched appearance in the direction pointed by the operator. It made sense the beasts would find a cave or a secure place to be their lair. Thankfully, the small cave also indicated the beasts werent too big and it would be more difficult for them to run.

At their leaders command, four defenders formed a blockage at the sides of the cave to prevent beasts from escaping while the rest proceed in the usual, defenders, attackers, archers formation. Since they had the operator to keep track of any approaching beasts, they didnt have to account for unexpected attacks.

The team was already outside the small cave but the beasts still didnt respond, which meant they were hesitating. Sania signaled for two archers to launch arrows inside the cave to draw them out, if they were lightning beasts, would they be able to restrain themselves? The arrows flew and a screech was heard from inside.

Suddenly, a group of lemurs poured from the cave screaming at the team. The defenders, who already had their Arrays activated, clashed against the fast and clawing beasts. The two defenders, positioned between the beasts and the rest of the team, instead of blocking them completely, left a middle gap, where the lemurs started to pass without hesitating.

The gap wasnt an error, but a tactic from this crazy team. Once the lemurs passed through the gap, they were greeted by the demoness of carnage, Sania, who expertly stabbed her spear right and left before leaving the wounded screaming beasts for the other attackers to finish. Behind them, the archers spread and prepared arrows to put down any lemurs who escaped the death trap, unconcerned to hit their teammates by shooting so close. Fortunately, the archers were smart enough to shoot in trios to prevent the fast lemurs from dodging.

Still, one fast and sleek lemur escaped from the trap and the archers, but Sania wasnt ready to let it go. With a yell, she urged her second in command to replace her and dashed behind the fleeing beast. Usually, she wouldnt be able to catch a lightning beast, which was only second to wind beasts in speed, but she was also using the special coat with the lightness and wind pushing effect.

In less than ten seconds, she was close enough to try a new move. Without stopping, she pressed the spear pole against her coat and activate an Array, once she confirmed the metal was shining, she held the spear high and shifted her body to throw it. The spear flew, enhanced by wind properties, and carved the lemurs leg against the ground. She quickly ended the beast suffering before returning to the team.

When she returned, the team had finished the rest and were already loading the beasts in the LC. Sania looked at the operator, who quickly answered her with a negative head swing. She smiled and decided to continue exploring the lightning environment, her sister would surely keep the MT beast occupied a little longer.


Karl woke up a little grumpy and only recovered his usual bright once Anya brought him breakfast. Last night, he studied some Arrays until he blacked out, either for spiritual or physical exhaustion, which resulted in improper sleep. Anyway, the late night was worth it since he could finally move on with the next phase of both his and the disciples studies.

The curious Anya stared at the disorganized drawings but didnt dare to ask about them, she knew it was something mysterious her Master had been studying since they left Caiset. However, this time, Karl decided to satisfy a small part of the girls curiosity.

These Arrays and Runes can be considered a new area of study Spiritual Alchemy.

Anya only stared at the drawings, speechless. Karl already expected this kind of reaction from her, although the situation was definitely missing a few hundred questions.

Go bring Wein and Oliver Its time to teach you how to draw Runes

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