A Divine Farmer

Chapter 196

Chapter 196 - My Sister Is Not My Biological Sister

“Give up,” Zhang Xiaolong sighed deeply, “This woman has lost her mind. We can't compete with her.”

Su Mei had taken full control of the Su family's wealth, unlike Wang Zongming.

At the Xu family's Charity Auction that day, Su Mingtang was ready to drop a billion on the blue diamond. Now, she would surely bid even more. She seemed willing to pay any price to keep him from acquiring the Strong Dragon Group.

“One billion!” Chen Yaru continued to bid.

“One billion fifty million,” Su Mei persisted, relentlessly driving up the price.

“Yaru…” Zhang Xiaolong shook his head when he saw Yaru preparing to bid again. He didn't want to engage in such pointless actions.

Engaging in a bidding war would only result in the Su family paying a higher price for the Strong Dragon Group, which they couldn't fully utilize. Zhang Xiaolong didn't want to participate in such a mutually destructive scenario.

He wasn't as reckless as Su Mei, nor was he interested in making the other party suffer or pay a steep price simply because he couldn't have it.

Chen Yaru turned to look at him, “I get what you're saying, and I understand her message. She's trying to show me that not choosing her was a mistake because she'll stop at nothing to prevent you. But I want to show her that even though I may not be as powerful, I'll use all my strength to support you.”

Zhang Xiaolong paused, then chose not to intervene, silently wrapping his arms around her.

It had become a struggle between two women. He saw no point in it, but just as Yaru had supported him unconditionally, he would do the same for his woman, no matter how futile it might seem.

“Two billion!” Chen Yaru, sensing his resolve, smiled and placed her bid.

Su Mei, with a cold expression and biting her red lips, countered, “Two billion fifty million.”

Eventually, they reached their limit. Zhang Xiaolong and Chen Yaru exchanged a knowing smile, free from any hint of regret.

“What if we don't have Strong Dragon? We were always going to bring it down anyway. It's just a matter of time.” Despite his internal disappointment, Zhang Xiaolong spoke with a generous spirit.

“Mm, I believe you,” Chen Yaru said gently, “As long as Elegant Dragon Drinks remains, we'll soon forge our own Strong Dragon.”

The Auctioneer was fervently repeating the current bid: “The highest bid now stands at two billion and fifty million. It's unbelievable how heated the atmosphere has become…”

?The bidders sitting below were thinking to themselves, ‘Heated? More like they're just stifling their anger. Without Miss Su here, it probably would have gone for nine hundred million tops. Now at two billion and fifty million, we can only silently rejoice. Anything more would be asking for trouble.'

?”Two billion and fifty million going once…” The auctioneer, sensing that the price had peaked, toned down his enthusiasm.

?”Two billion and fifty million going twice…” Su Mei's eyes sought out Chen Yaru, curious to see if she would continue the bidding war. If it came to that, Su Mei was determined not to back down.

?”Three billion!” The bid echoed through the room, catching everyone, including Zhang Xiaolong and Chen Yaru, off guard.

?Su Mei's gaze, sharp as a spotlight, suddenly fixed on the young woman sitting beside Zhang Xiaolong, whose beauty rivaled that of Chen Yaru. She had been trying to figure out this girl's identity, but it seemed she was just a friend, given the lack of intimate interaction between her and Xiaolong.

But now, this girl had unexpectedly made a bid, visibly startling even Xiaolong. What was happening?

“Jingjing, what are you doing?” Zhang Xiaolong asked, his expression turning stern.

He had made it clear that the so-called property was off-limits, but now that the bid was out there, all he could do was scold.

Yang Jingjing seemed unfazed, her face alight with a playful smile. “It's nothing, I just think… Yaru is absolutely right.”

Yaru is right? Right about what? Zhang Xiaolong was bewildered.

Seeing his clueless look, Chen Yaru couldn't help but feel frustrated for him and hinted, “At least we've done something without any reservations.”

“Yeah,” Yang Jingjing's gaze was as serene as still water, “It's rare in life to have moments when we throw caution to the wind. I just don't want to let this opportunity slip by.”

If Zhang Xiaolong still didn't get it, he wouldn't just be a little slow; he'd be downright foolish.

He was deeply moved. Yang Jingjing's intention was to help out of sheer affection, just as Yaru had described, regardless of the outcome.

Yet, he was at a loss for how to reciprocate such feelings.

Chen Yaru, feigning annoyance, punched the man and then grabbed his arm, draping it over Yang Jingjing's shoulder, “Honey, Jingjing has gone out of her way to help you. You owe her some comfort, don't you?”

“You…” Zhang Xiaolong gave a wry smile, but he couldn't deny the wave of emotion that had taken hold of him.

Yang Jingjing tilted back slightly, resting gently in the crook of his arm.

“Thank you, Jingjing. Actually…” Zhang Xiaolong began awkwardly.

Though it wasn't the kind of affection typically shared between lovers, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being ensnared by yet another of Yaru's schemes.

“What's there to be ‘actually' about?” Yaru cut in, interrupting his hesitant speech.

“Alright,” Zhang Xiaolong conceded with a resigned smile, “there's really nothing to be ‘actually' about…”

Yang Jingjing chuckled, and the mood among the trio lightened considerably. It seemed as if the subtle barriers that had once stood between them were dissolving.

“One billion and fifty million!” Su Mei's voice was nearly a roar.

She couldn't fathom why, after Yang Jingjing's bid, Zhang Xiaolong had suddenly grown closer to her.

Why? Why was she willing to do so much for this man, only to be met with indifference, while other women seemed to succeed?

The bidding soared to new heights, eliciting astonishment from the Auctioneer. After a final call and seeing no further bids, the hammer came down decisively.

He then declared with great volume that the Strong Dragon Group brand and real estate had been sold to Su Mei of Yishui City for one billion and fifty million yuan.

The room buzzed with shock, but Su Mei, the protagonist of the auction, felt none of the victor's elation.

She had thought that taking down Zhang Xiaolong would bring her immense joy, but as she faced the person before her, she realized that wasn't the case at all.

Yet Su Mei, ever so obstinate, couldn't admit to any wrongdoing on her part; her animosity towards Zhang Xiaolong only grew.

“Congratulations on acquiring Strong Dragon Group. I trust it will once again rise to prominence under the Su family's leadership,” Zhang Xiaolong offered, with a smile, as he saw Su Mei standing in their way, extending a few courteous remarks.

“Who is she?” Su Mei, ignoring his pleasantries, fixed her gaze on Yang Jingjing and demanded.

Chen Yaru quickly interjected before Zhang Xiaolong could respond, “My sister. Is there an issue?”

The term ‘sister' was clearly not meant in the literal sense, particularly when spoken by Chen Yaru, hinting at something more intimate. But the crowd didn't linger for Su Mei to probe further; the two women had already linked arms with Zhang Xiaolong and were making their exit.

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