A Divine Farmer

Chapter 195

Chapter 195 - The Price of Choosing the Wrong Woman!

The auction proceeded as planned. Early this morning, Zhang Xiaolong drove Chen Yaru and Yang Jingjing to the auction site. Upon their arrival, they noticed many merchants had already taken their seats. A quick survey of the room revealed no sign of the rumored super companies, which eased their concerns somewhat.

?The night before, the trio had discussed the situation. The brand impact of Strong Dragon Company had significantly diminished, and only those truly committed to the beverage industry would see an opportunity in acquiring its assets. Near Qingyang, there were hardly any beverage companies capable of absorbing an entity as large as Strong Dragon. Consequently, the pool of interested parties was expected to be much smaller, greatly reducing the competitive pressure.

Business may be universal, but like anything else, people tend to stick to what they know. When it comes to unfamiliar industries, most approach with caution, only investing heavily once they've thoroughly tested the waters. A misstep could lead to losses in the billions, which would be painful even for magnates like Lee Donghua and Su Mingtang. Therefore, risks are not taken lightly.

“This looks promising,” Yang Jingjing observed, noting the relaxed demeanor of her companions.

?Zhang Xiaolong smiled in agreement. If he managed to acquire Strong Dragon, he'd be in control of Elegant Dragon Drinks. Despite the fact that much of the funding was borrowed, he was confident that the investment would multiply in value before long.

Suddenly, Yaru nudged him, drawing his attention to an unexpected arrival. “Su Mei? What is she doing here?” he muttered, a sense of foreboding washing over him.

?”Should I go over and clear things up with her?” Yaru offered thoughtfully. “She's probably misunderstood something you said. It's always best to resolve misunderstandings—better to avoid making an enemy.”

After a moment's consideration, Zhang Xiaolong shook his head. “You don't know her like I do. She's never been one to be challenged, and once she's set her mind on something, no one can persuade her otherwise. That stubbornness of hers is something even Su Mingtang can't contend with. If you approached her now, it might backfire, making her think you're trying to intimidate her.”

“What do we do? She's not here just to stir up trouble, is she?” Yaru also sensed that things were amiss. Xiaolong's concerns could very well become a reality.

If such a stubborn person were indeed looking to cause trouble, it would undoubtedly become a major headache. Even if we were to successfully bid for Strong Dragon, the cost would be exorbitant.

“If she's game, then we have no choice but to play along,” Zhang Xiaolong sighed, “We'll have to wait and see how things unfold.”

With no better strategy, the trio could only wait for the auction to commence.

Su Mei caught the worried looks on Zhang Xiaolong and his companions' faces and felt a twinge of satisfaction, “Zhang Xiaolong, today you'll realize just how wrong you were, spectacularly so!”

The auction began promptly, and unlike typical auctions, the attendees were already well-acquainted with the items up for bid. Without sufficient knowledge, they wouldn't be here ready to participate.

Still, the auctioneer provided a brief overview of the items, detailing the history and development of the Strong Dragon Group, its brand value, and an analysis of the various worths of its real estate.

Following the introduction, it was time for the main event. The auctioneer declared, “The Strong Dragon Group brand and real estate are now up for auction, starting at 500 million, with increments of no less than 10 million. Let the bidding begin!”

“510 million…”

“520 million…”

“550 million…”

Initially, companies were tentatively placing bids, while the serious heavy-hitters kept their silence.

Before long, the price climbed to 800 million, and the number of bidders dwindled significantly. It appeared that not many were confident in the future profitability of the Strong Dragon Group, hence their reluctance to bid higher.

“Eight hundred and thirty million, the current highest bid is eight hundred and thirty million. I'm convinced the value of the Strong Dragon Group far exceeds this. Will anyone else bid?” the auctioneer made one last attempt, clearly dissatisfied with the current offer.

“Eight hundred and thirty million for the first time…” After emphasizing repeatedly and seeing no reaction from the audience, the auctioneer seemed ready to concede.

“Nine hundred million!” Zhang Xiaolong raised his hand, calling out his bid loudly.

He didn't just bid; he escalated the price to a staggering nine hundred million. This assertive move quickly drew the attention of everyone present.

The company that had previously offered eight hundred and thirty million refrained from bidding further, recognizing the futility of their efforts. Moreover, the risk of acquiring Strong Dragon Group at a higher price was becoming too unpredictable for them to justify.

“Alright, we've reached nine hundred million. Are there any higher bids?” The auctioneer sensed the price was peaking and didn't waste time. “Nine hundred million going once…”

“One billion!”

Before he could even call it twice, the room was abuzz with shock.

Everyone had assumed that eight hundred and thirty million was the ceiling, and no one expected another bid after nine hundred million. But then, a clear, feminine voice confidently raised the stakes by an entire billion!

Many eyes turned to see that the bidder was not only a woman but also an exceptionally beautiful young woman.

Her looks alone placed her among the elite, and her avant-garde, figure-hugging outfit with its plunging neckline revealed her fair skin, capturing the gaze of nearly every man in the room.

Su Mei's proud demeanor gave her the air of a queen reigning supreme, igniting a primal urge in the men to conquer her.

“The Yishui Su family has entered the fray. This is going to get interesting.”

Some recognized Su Mei and recalled that at the Xu family's charity auction, Su Mingtang had bid a whopping 1.1 billion for a diamond.

Though that deal ultimately fell through, it was a testament to the Su family's financial clout.

If they were willing to spend 1.1 billion on a diamond with no practical use, surely the Strong Dragon Group would have some value to them.

Zhang Xiaolong's brow furrowed as he realized his opponent had made her move, apparently waiting for him.

If he held back today, Su Mei would simply observe. But if he engaged, this obstinate woman might very well engage in a relentless bidding war with him.

“Nine hundred and twenty million!”

Despite anticipating the outcome, Zhang Xiaolong decided to probe further, to see if his adversary was truly out to get him.

“One billion!” Su Mei didn't give the other side any chance to counter.

“Xiaolong,” Chen Yaru also sensed trouble brewing, “She's determined to battle it out with us to the very end!”

Observing the man's increasingly furrowed brow, Su Mei reveled in a vindictive pleasure.

Zhang Xiaolong, choosing me was the correct decision. But since you've made the wrong one, you're going to pay the price!

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